Artist Antonie de Rooij portrays loneliness
Monday, May 10, 2021, the wish of Mrs. Christien Does, resident of Archipel Fleuriade, to be portrayed came true. Artist Antonie de Rooij made sketches of her for the canvas he will paint for her. Together for Eindhoven, together with Archipel, is fulfilling the 'Heart Warming Together' program that started on Valentine's Day with the placement of wishing trees in 23 care institutions in the Eindhoven region. Christien wished to be painted and to visit the Van Abbe museum. The latter is not yet possible, but the portrait was started on Monday.
Vitamin A of Attention
"For the elderly in our care centers, the warm attention is a very welcome experience," says Saskia van Nieuwland of Archipel Zorggroep. "That started with the wishes that residents hung in the wishing trees, and for Mrs. Does that is now given substance by modeling a portrait." Artist Antonie de Rooij paints pro bono: "It only takes me some time, and then when you see what a little attention does for this lady, it does me more than good. Besides, I find portraying the elderly really quite fascinating."
Heart Warming Together
Together with its partners from business, municipality and civil society organizations, Together for Eindhoven developed Heart Warming Together. The program involves being from the Heart, Warming Together with all partners in the city in action to achieve CSR goals, contribute to the realization of the Global Goals and be able to deploy more corporate volunteers. Together for Eindhoven dreams of a closer and happier Brainport and works towards this by building a bridge between companies, civil society organizations and local government to ensure a society where everyone can participate.