Samen voor Eindhoven joins international EU conferende in Vilnius


On international volunteer day the 5th of December, Esther Hofstede and Nicolle Prins from Samen voor Eindhoven will join the international conference in Vilnius as a speaker and give a workshop on how to cooperate with business for social goals.

The international conference “Corporate Volunteering: positive impact on youth, communities, companies and employees” is held in Vilnius. This conference is part of the program titled “United for Youth” which is funded by the EU Program Erasmus+. ‘Samen voor Eindhoven’ implemented this program in partnership with our partners from Lithuania (NGO “Socialinis veiksmas”), Spain (“Asociación Pasos solidarios”, better known as “Voluntariado y Estrategia”) and Ukraine (“East Europe foundation”).

The goal of the conference is to gather business, non- profit, education sectors and politics in order to share best practices and discuss possible solutions for issues related to corporate volunteering and use of volunteering for solving labour market issues.

Sharing good practices in the toolkit

This methodical toolkit is also part of the program. Together with Lithuania (NGO “Socialinis veiksmas”), Spain (“Asociación Pasos solidarios”, better known as “Voluntariado y Estrategia”) and Ukraine (“East Europe foundation”) we joined forces to achieve a common goal: to develop qualitative corporate volunteering in these four countries among different sectors in order to combat youth unemployment and strengthen retention in the labour market.

You can read the tool here.

In total 22 interviews were conducted in all four countries; including 11 from the business sector, 2 from the education sector, 6 from the non-profit sector and 3 from local policy-makers. In total 14 good practice cases will be presented: 8 from business, 2 from non-profits, 2 from education institutions and 2 from local policy-makers.

About the conference
Celina Lesta and Julia Aramendi (Voluntariado Y Estrategia, Spain), Viktor Liakh (EEF, Ukraine).


Aziza Khamidova, EPAM (Ukraine)

Guoda Lomanaitė, Agency of International Youth Cooperation (Lithuania)

Monika Sungailaitė, Project Manager at artist Jolita Vaitkutė, former volunteer at local voluntary cervice (Lithuania)

Vaidotas Levickis, Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association (Lithuania)

Esther Hofstede, Samen voor Eindhoven & Lisette Cornelissen, NXP (Netherlands)

Cristina Antelo Albertos (Lifetime Customer Experience Iberia), SAP  (Spain)

Justė Šilkaitė, All Saints Family Support Center (Lithuania)

Ieva Rukavičiūtė, Cognizant (Lithuania)

Neringa Kurapkaitienė, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

Milda Lukoševičiūtė, Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (Lithuania)

Juan Angel Poyatos, UN, Voluntare (Spain)

Greta Avalasevičiūtė, NGO Socialinis veiksmas, former international volunteer (Lithuania)


  • How to cooperate with business for social goals
    Esther Hofstede and Nicole Prins (Samen voor Eindhoven, Netherlands)
  • How to develop corporate volunteering strategy
    Julia Aramendi, Celina Lesta, Juan Ángel Poyatos (Voluntariado y Estrategia, Spain)
  • Social Responsibility in the Digital Age