Knowledge Café: March 22, 2022:
work-life balance and vitality
How satisfied are you in every area of your life? Would you like to spend more time with family or friends? Would you like to enjoy your free time more or work on self-development? Time to take action, but don't know where to start? Work and personal life may not be in balance. After following this workshop you can change this yourself. You will be challenged to think about your work-life balance and to make adjustments in your life priorities.
Mariska Baauw, coach and mindfulness trainer at ASML , will give this online workshop for nonprofit organizations on Tuesday, March 22 (11:00-12:30).
Interested? Join us and sign up!
Sign up:
Sign up for the free knowledge café on Tuesday, March 22 (11.00-12.30) at Maaike de Jonge of Samen voor Eindhoven.