Corporate social responsibility, with your company, for society

Do you want to...

... as a committed entrepreneur contribute to the welfare of the Eindhoven community and work together with government and social organizations to support the people who are in trouble and to reduce polarisation in society?

... that Samen voor Eindhoven, as a bridge builder between business and society, stimulates the cooperation between commercial and idealistic organisations and thus jointly contributes to the Global Goals of the United Nations ('the business plan for a better world')?

... create a movement in which professionals share their talent, knowledge, heart or hands for a more cohesive society?

...and set in motion a movement of changemakers?

... encourage civil society organisations to make even more of an impact on people who are struggling?

...join 'Brainport for each other'

Say yes and we will together ensure a liveable Brainport

We offer employees of companies the opportunity to do something for others and for society through 'corporate volunteering'. Every year, more than 2,500 employees of companies such as ASML, Ctouch, IMEC, Municipality of Eindhoven, Fluke and PHILIPS give - during working hours - their heads, hearts and hands to social organizations in the Brainport region. We know what questions the charities have and connect them with professionals from the business community in Brainport Eindhoven. Together we go for a closer society.

Join the movement. Together we're better.


Contact Us

Paul Ypinga

Why participate?

Your company is in it because you want... a good neighbor

... be an attractive employer

... giving meaningful substance to your CSR/CSR policy

... gain access to a wide network

...get positive media coverage

... enhance corporate image and reputation

Employees are happy to participate, because they...

...are proud of their employer and spread the word.

... get inspired and energized

... experience meaning and satisfaction by being of significance to others (purpose)

... meet new (inspiring) people, get to know colleagues better

... develop competencies, leadership skills and broaden their horizons

... gain a better understanding of social issues and of people in difficulty people they don't usually encounter in everyday life. to do it. (fun)

Our partnership choice menu

Based on the ambition and the social impact to be achieved, your company chooses an annual partner or foundership. This entitles your company to a number of hours of service. Annually we discuss how and on what we spend the available hours and which goals, results and impact we want to achieve.   

Office for matchmaking and impact days

Social projects and programme management

CSR and HR Business Partner

Making an impact on society through matchmaking and (online) (team) activities

Carry out community projects that contribute to key themes in the city. Including use of the digital volunteer calendar

Advice on designing and implementing strategy on engagement & corporate volunteering or employee volunteering programs. We show how this contributes to:

  • Impact on society & the Global Goals
  • Attract and retain talent
  • Well-being & vitality
  • Purpose & commitment
  • Soft skills & competency development

Download the Good Busy Toolkit with the 5 success principles for designing your strategy here. A practical playbook with the 5 steps to programs with impact.

Read more about the Business Case and scientific research.

A quarter of the membership fee is spent on strengthening the social organisations in the Brainport region. This includes: advice and training, taking stock of wishes and making them visible on the calendar, participation in partner events and active promotion. The goal is to achieve high-quality and impactful wishes and activities for corporate volunteers.

Why CSR is indispensable in any HR strategy:

HR and CSR have more in common than you might think. Just think; both disciplines represent the human aspect of the organisation. In addition, they also have a similar challenge. Both HR departments and CSR officers are often faced with the perception that they are not 'strategic enough'. Read more.

Marije Rhebergen (DLL)

Head of Sustainability, about the many benefits of corporate volunteering for employees.

DLL is since 2012, partner of Samen voor Eindhoven. We have developed and implemented the corporate volunteer policy. Marije is responsible for the global corporate volunteer programs at DLL. The advantage DLL sees in corporate volunteering is that it inspires their employees and it creates social impact at the same time. Other big advantages that DLL sees:

  • Personal enrichment & development of professional skills
  • Teambuilding & the creation of a team culture
  • Employer branding: attractive employer & retention.
  • Create happiness & proudness. Employees want to be a part of companies that create social value in addition to business value