Community Coaching - sharing knowledge with non-profits

Share your knowledge with a good cause

DLL and PWC developed the corporate volunteering program 'Community Coaching' with Samen voor Eindhoven. Professionals from the business community coach and guide social organizations in the Brainport region in their objectives for about 9 months. Through this innovative 'skills-based volunteering' program, companies from the network of Samen voor Eindhoven give substance to their CSR objectives. Knowledge and expertise of employees are shared to support charities in an impactful way.

Community Coach program:

Your role as a coach: 

  • For approximately 9 months you will be a sparring partner of a community organization; approximately 1-2 times a month you will have (online) contact
  • During the process you will be internally coached by a senior manager. Together you will form a "coach-tandem".
  • During an introductory session, we will match you with a nonprofit organization that suits you
  • As a community coach, you work with a community organization or charity on a development issue

What do you get in return? 

As an interlocutor, you invest your time, but you get a lot in return. A nice social result, and also development of your own consulting and communication skills (effective listening, asking questions and giving feedback). You learn to think outside the box and be creative. Last but not least, you make an important contribution to the Global Goals and a more beautiful Social Smart Brainport. Moreover, you work together with professionals from other companies and learn from their knowledge and expertise. But above all, it gives satisfaction, fun, inspiration and energy and this program is also good for your network and CV.

For the coachee (from the social field): 

You as a coachee (from a social organization) get a coach from a company. You work together professionally for about 9 months on a goal. This can be a personal goal but also a goal for your organization. Are you curious about this program? Does your foundation need a coach? Please contact Paul Ypinga of Samen voor Eindhoven via or 06 - 23 45 24 52. 

Participate? We ask the following of the coach from business:

  • You are open and curious to learn from others
  • You live or work in the Brainport region and have at least 5 years of work experience
  • Commitment from your manager to commit to a community organization for 9 months
  • You attend the (online) workshops and network meetings during this course
  • The Community Coach program can be a part of an HR development program (PDP)

We look forward to receiving your application. 

As intermediary, Samen voor Eindhoven develops and facilitates this program, collects the issues, organizes the (online) networking and training moments, has access to a large business network and maintains warm relations with many social initiatives in Eindhoven. Because of her independence, she has an overview of the interests of all parties and monitors and evaluates the cooperation.