MO 040 Late Night on Feb. 14, 2022

MO040: Together again and more socially active

The coronavirus has pretty much turned daily life upside down over the past 1.5 years and at the same time has also brought the importance of health, resilience, resilience and (financial) health into the spotlight. For many, the coronagraphs are taking a heavy toll on their lives and work, and many civil society organizations, normally with many dozens of volunteers lending a helping hand, are struggling. On top of this, the market is constantly changing and companies are faced with a variety of developments. This demands a lot from employees. As a result, the ecosystem in which companies and CSOs meet and help each other is under pressure.

During the MO040 event on February 14, we wanted to turn the tide a bit and reconnect. Organizations therefore contributed to help social organizations further with knowledge, expertise and skills from the business community. This time the theme was 'Together again and more socially active'. No less than 51 new collaborations (with closed exchange) were established. From helping as a company with the business and communication plan of a foundation, to recruiting volunteers to make phone calls to lonely elderly people, to making a garden design (and getting the job done) for community centers in Eindhoven.

MO040 in brief

During MO040, we connect businesses and civil society organizations to see what they can do for each other. This evening provides both parties with new insights, collaborations and concrete matches. As a company you can, for example, offer your help in attracting new volunteers, give guest lectures or help expand the network. Or offer your expertise or a pair of hands.

For civil society organizations: this evening you will get to know Eindhoven entrepreneurs whose knowledge, expertise and employees would like to contribute - together with you - to a more beautiful and social Eindhoven through valuable new connections and matches.

Apply October 2022

Would you as a company or social organization like to participate in MO040 next time (= in October 2022)? Register your interest with Esther Hofstede at / 06 - 4603 1010. If all goes well, the 20th edition will be 'old-fashioned' at the table again instead of online!

3 Tips for successful collaboration:


The Corporate Social Responsibility 040 dinner (MO040) is offered by DLL, NXP, Philips and the Municipality of Eindhoven in cooperation with Samen voor Eindhoven. MO040 is for companies and social organizations that want to make a difference in the Eindhoven region.